Sunday, December 13, 2015

12/13/15 I Am Not a One Trick Pony - New Art

First of all I don't want to insult any ponies. Ponies who know how to do one thing are perfectly fine. It is okay to do one thing. I've learned from watching horse whisperer type movies at Netflix that there are horses that are trained for one task like barrel racers at rodeos and dressage horses and roping horses so I repeat there is nothing wrong with doing one task and doing it well or learning to do it well. It takes practice and time.

 I don't know if there are horses who do multiple things. If anyone reads this and knows, please comment.

 Back to people. I believe it is best to focus on one thing. That is my dream. Be a novelist. Be a poet. Be an artist. Be a potter. When you keep at one thing the mysteries of that "thing" begin to reveal themselves, newness arrives.  In the previous post I mentioned my writer/ artist dilemma  and my decision to have a writer/ artist blog. So here goes. Ta Da. First art post.

© 2015 Elizabeth P. Glixman

 I am into texture and color in new work. I  have a series of these abstract images called That's A Wrap. I  used fabric and ribbon in this  8" x 10" piece. I want the pieces in this series to be eye candy and hand candy (if there is such a thing). Of course I don't want  viewers to touch the art but I want them to imagine how it will feel.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

12/12/15 New Blog Title- A Writer and Artist in the Moment: I Can Do Two Things At the Same Time- Going With the Flow

Many years ago I made art like a person breathes air. I was completely enamored with the process of placing color and line on paper and canvas. I went to art school and received a BFA degree and years later became certified to teach art in the public school system. One of my greatest joys was cutting wood to make stretcher sticks for large canvases, stretching the canvas, gessoing it and applying the paint.

I also have been a life long lover of the written word. Another great pleasure is reading fiction and poetry and so I began to write stories. Then I began to write poetry. I was completely enamored with that too. My art was left for the most part by the side of the street. Lately it has been hollering at me. Oh, no! Where to put my attention?

I've decided. I can do both. I can't ignore both sides of my creative coin.

Some days you will see my art and art I love on this blog and other days poetry.
This blog will be about both words and images. That's my decision today.