All day and all night you keep
looking up at us. Why can't
you lie down? Panting and
staring, you stand on the rug
at the end of our bed. You are
our stubborn mountain dog
and in the past I've said stupid
dog right in front of you. But
now it's 2 a.m. and we can't
sleep with you standing there
and I say Let's go. Right now.
And this time we promise
you we'll fix it, whatever
it is. Stupid first vet. Clearly
not a tummy ache, and if
she doesn't know what it is
she should say so. It will be
two days, two nights, two
vets later, the long trip to
UC Davis, the diagnosis:
collapsed lungs. Why? There
will be the little room all fixed
up to look like a chapel, on
the walls photos of redwoods,
an orange sunset on the ocean.
They will wheel you in on
a metal table. Tubes in you,
a small bag of...something.
We will talk to you and rub
your ears. My hand on
your one white paw. Then
they will take you out. After
we cry, we will go home
and we will not sleep.
UPCOMING POETRY READINGS - 2011 Read more about Rose Black and read several of her latest poems. Also there is a picture of Pedro on the link and another poem about him written in a similiar style to a Christopher Smart poem. I think this is the poem.