Monday, January 11, 2016

1/11/16 Today's Art Post/ Mixed Media Collage/- InVision: 2D & 3D Landscape/ Davis Gallery

This collage called "Hidden" was in  the Davis Gallery's Landscape show. The show closes today so I decided to post the collage for all to see.

"InVision: 2D & 3D Landscape

2D & 3D artwork with a broad interpretation of "Landscape," including physical, spiritual, cultural, and ecological. The artwork is created in many different media—drawing, painting, mixed media, photography and more.


Thursday, September 10, 2015, 5–7 pm "

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Sunday, December 27, 2015

12/27/15 Flowers

I never get tired of looking at flowers whether they are flower images on household objects, clothing, furniture or the real deal flowers: wildflowers, exotic hot house or tropical flowers (Orchids), indoor flowers on plants like African Violets or flowers on weeds like Jewelweed.

Beside the beauty inherent in flowers and their often alluring odors especially to bees and birds, they offer other benefits. Folklore says you can use the juice of Jewelweed for the itch of poison ivy. I tired  using it on a rash once and the rash did disappear. There is truth in tales passed down the medicinal generational tree.


My grandmother on my maternal side was a millinery and had a fabric store.  Her husband upholstered furniture for many years. I inherited fabric (lots of chintz with floral patterns*) from my grandmother and also a love of making things from her and my grandfather. My grandmother was from the Victorian era where flowers were on lots of things and held certain meaning besides  their visual beauty.

Here are a few of my flower pictures.

 Here is a very old Christmas Cactus that lives with me. She bloomed the whole month of December in honor of the  season.

All Images Copyrighted  Elizabeth P. Glixman


Monday, December 21, 2015

12/21/15 One Too Many Robo Calls

I've been getting robo calls lately. Too many. I think everyone has. The robo callers have ramped up the calls this holiday season. A few years ago I had a bunch of these calls too and like any person who is wordy, I wrote a poem to tell someone, anyone how I felt about the calls and the caller Rachel.

This is a poem about technological powerlessness. You can't do much in the face of anonymity. There is no one to respond to only a dial tone. This feeling is like the feeling I imagine the man in the movie "Her " felt when the voice he loved  said it was over.

Even though the poem is not recent and todays four  time caller's name is Brittany, it doesn't matter. It was and is all the same experience. Brittany might be Rachael in disguise. She sounds like the same voices on the GPS system my friend has.

 This poem was published in Frigg in 2013.

It’s Me—Rachel
Elizabeth P. Glixman

The phone rings
It’s Rachel again
with her voice that sparkles
like blue mouthwash
She could tell you anything
She could be the news anchor
telling you about a mass killing
say it with her white bright teeth showing
the edges of her lips curved upward
Her voice could give Chris Matthews’ leg
a tingle.

Read the rest